PCard Updates
Please review the following information you need to be aware of in the upcoming weeks:
- PCard approvers should approve all project PCard transactions by noon on Friday, October 25th. Approvers should refrain from approving project PCard transactions after noon on October 25th. Any project PCard transactions that are approved after noon will be returned to staged and will have to be reapproved when UCF Financials returns on November 7th.
- PCard approvers should tie all project PCard transactions to purchase orders (POs) by noon on Friday, October 25th. Approvers should refrain from tying project PCard transactions to POs after noon on October 25th.
PCard approvers should approve all department PCard transactions by noon on Wednesday, October 30th. Transactions not approved by this time will be processed when UCF Financials returns on November 7th.
- PCard cardholders may continue to use their cards while UCF Financials is offline (10/31/19-11/6/19).
- PCard cardholders may receive temporary overrides with email approval from the RFO and or DDC while UCF Financials is offline.
- PCard purchases of $5,000 or above will be allowed without a purchase order during the UCF Rising system downtime. However, an approved requisition and purchase order must be created for the purchase when UCF Financials is back online.
- PCard approvers should only tie a credit to the PO line that was originally charged. If the line is closed, do not tie the credit to the next available PO line. Instead, approve the transaction without tying it to a PO. Approvers can utilize the Related Content > PO Details to help assist with the finding PO line details. (Please be sure to follow this any time you have a credit)
If you have any further questions regarding this information, please contact
Thank you,
PCard Administration

Finance and Administration Changes