Research - Research Staff and Principal Investigators
To: All Campus
From: Zenaida Gonzalez Kotala
On Behalf: Dorothy Yates, Associate Vice President for Research Administration
Re: New Office Hours Announced to help Faculty with New HURON Grants and Agreements Software Launch
Date: Oct. 9, 2019
As previously communicated, researchers will be using a brand-new software system (HURON Grants and Agreements) to submit grant proposals and check their status beginning Oct. 21.
In addition to training sessions already announced, the Office of Research will be holding live help sessions. Faculty, staff and students with questions or who are having trouble with the software will be able to tap a team dedicated to resolving challenges.
Those with questions can stop by room 381 of the Research One building on the main campus (4353 Scorpius St.) from 9-11 am and 2- 4 p.m. every Tuesday and Wednesday beginning the week of Oct. 21. Or you can reach out by emailing or via Skype:, (407) 823-0080 and conference ID: 2160149 and a team member will respond in real time.
Business systems analysts, Huron consultants and representatives from the Office of Research Proposal Support Office, Awards Management Office, and the Contracts Office, all of whom have been deeply involved in the design, testing and training of the HURON Grants and Agreement system will be responding to questions in real time.
We plan to hold these office hours as long as they are needed. The sessions are intended for real-life, active proposal or award information that you are processing and either entering into the Huron Grants and Agreements system or managing through the award life cycle.
Please take a moment to review training resources available and plan to attend a previously announced training session if possible before Oct. 21. Know that we are here to get your through the transition.
As a reminder, training is available as follows:
Session 1
Oct. 15: 10 a.m. – noon in the Teaching Academy, room 117
Oct. 16: 10 a.m. –noon in the Teaching Academy, room 117
Session 2
Oct. 16: 1-3:30 p.m. in the Teaching Academy, room 130
Oct. 17: 9-11:30 a.m. in the Teaching Academy, room 117
The HRS Grants and Agreements software upgrade is part of a multi-year university-wide project (UCF RISING), which will restructure research administration business processes and technologies. The goal is to enhance operations to support UCF’s research enterprise. All the systems together build a new and more robust research administration application ecosystem called the Huron Research Suite (HRS). We’ve been rolling out segments of the system since December 2018 when the Institution Review Board became the first group to go live with HRS. Those using non-Financial Agreements came onboard in July, and IACUC followed in September.
Please continue to watch for updates as the go-live date gets closer. We thank you for your support.
If you have questions visit or email at
HRS IACUC successfully went live on September 23rd. Go-live has been communicated to the research community, and 4 new protocols have been created as of October 3rd.
Interim Process for Research Spending
- During the cutover of HRS and PeopleSoft Grants systems, there is no interruption in your ability to spend against awards.
- From October 21st through November 7th if you need to spend and do not have a new project established:
- If you have a P-card, it should be used for procurement.
- If you do not have a P-card, the Office of Research Finance will set up an account for you to charge your expenditures.
- Journal transfers will be used to reconcile expenditures once cutover is complete.
Aurora and Paris will remain as the reporting data sources for Research Administration. TERA will remain as the document repository for the proposal support office. For more information on reports and their availability check out the Research Data Warehouse page HERE
Project IDs
With the implementation of HRS Grants in October, new Project IDs will be created as part of the award process in HRS Grants and will be entered to PeopleSoft Grants. Established projects will retain their existing Project IDs. There will be a process in place to create stand-alone projects in PeopleSoft Financials if needed. Department numbers will not change.
The format for new Project IDs is changing with the implementation of HRS Grants. The new Project ID format will be 8 characters: the first four characters will use the first four digits from the project’s functional area or college, the fifth character will use a number representing the funding source, and the last three characters will be a system generated alpha numeric counter (e.g. A01, A02, A03). This new format allows Project IDs to continue to use the functional area or college as the first four characters while allowing for enough available values to handle the growing number of Grants specific projects.
Project IDs will continue to be generated using the current process and format until ARGIS is no longer available. In the current plan, October 18th is the last day ARGIS will be available for new award setup or award changes.
Additional information will be shared as we get closer to the go-live.