UCF Rising Project: ePAF and eForm Changes
Funding Account Change Only
- If you are processing a funding account change only, and not making any other changes to the employment record, submit the Funding Distribution
Change eform that can be found on the ePAF Homepage. - If you do not have access to that eform, contact hris@ucf.edu
New Employee Classes
There are new employee classes for the Hire and Job Change ePAF as listed
- OPS Graduate Instruction-option should be selected for Graduate Teaching Associates, Assistants, and Teaching Graders. (9183,9184, and
9187). The option will be available after the ePAF Originator has selected the Employee Group of Graduate Contract. - OPS Instructional Emp-option should be selected for dual compensation agreements for instructional work. The option will be available after the ePAF Originator has selected the Employee Group of Dual Compensation.
- OPS Graduate Workstudy-option should be selected if graduate hourly employee is being paid from federal work study funds. The option will be
available after the ePAF Originator has selected the Employee Group of Graduate Hourly.
HR Security Matrix
Please use the HR Security Matrix, https://hr.ucf.edu/files//Human-Resources-Security-Access-Matrix_22Aug2018.pdf, as a resource which outlines HR functions, required courses, and security access forms.
For questions related to the Hire, Job Change, Employment Status Change, and Supplemental ePAF, contact records@ucf.edu
For questions related to the Funding Distribution Change, Salary Cost Transfer, and Salary Supplement Request eform, contact hris@ucf.edu .
HR Training
The UCF Rising Project (https://rising.it.ucf.edu/) is nearing completion and has an expected go-live date on November 1, 2019. Human Resources is committed to offering training and answering all of your questions prior to implementation of these updates.
A HR Liaison brief overview Webcourse (PSC101) will be available today (10/4) and additional detailed Webcourse trainings will be available later in October to discuss the updates that have been made to the Human Capital Management system in PeopleSoft.
In addition to the webcourses, we are happy to announce that we will also be offering in-person training sessions every Friday in October. You do not need to register for the sessions or stay the entire window of time. This will be an opportunity to ask any questions that you may have regarding the UCF Rising Project. We will discuss changes made to the existing ePAFs, as well as demonstrate the new eForms and reports that will be available.
Please feel free to stop by any of the following sessions:
Session Date | Session Time | Session Location |
10/4/2019 | 9:30AM – 11:30AM | Teaching Academy – TA303 |
10/11/2019 | 9:30AM – 11:30AM | Teaching Academy – TA303 |
10/18/2019 | 2:00PM – 4:00PM | Teaching Academy – TA303 |
10/25/2019 | 2:00PM – 4:00PM | Teaching Academy – TA303 |
ePAF and PeopleSoft Availability
The ePAF and the PeopleSoft Human Capital Management system will be unavailable from the afternoon of Thursday, October 31st through Thursday, November 7th due to the UCF Rising system implementation. During this time, ePAFs will not be able to be submitted, recycled, viewed, or approved. Additionally, all ePAFs must be fully executed and approved by HR-Records by the afternoon of October 31st or they will need to be withdrawn and submitted again by the department when the system resumes on Friday, November 8th. It is highly recommended NOT to submit any ePAFs that are effective 11/15/2019 or after until the system is available on Friday, November 8th. Please share this information with your hiring managers so that they can plan ahead.
Payroll Processing Deadlines
PPE 10/31/19: All time and leave entries must be processed and approved in PeopleSoft on Wednesday, 10/30/19, by 12:00 p.m.
PPE 11/28/19: All time and leave entries must be processed and approved in PeopleSoft on Wednesday, 11/27/19, by 2:00 p.m.
ePAF Submission Deadlines
PPE 10/31/2019: ePAF must be submitted by 10/15/2019
PPE 11/14/2019: ePAFs must be submitted by 10/18/2019
ePAFs and Onboarding Documents
To ensure that the ePAFs can be approved prior to the system being unavailable, verify that you have all the completed and accurate documents attached to the ePAF. This includes attaching the background check cleared/waiver emails issued by HR-Talent to the ePAFs when applicable. We ask that the ePAF approvers review and approve ePAFs as expediently as possible.
New Employee Orientation
Any new hires attending the New Employee Orientation on November 8th, must have their Hire ePAF approved by HR-Records and loaded into the system by October 31st.
Should you have any questions, please contact payroll@ucf.edu and/or records@ucf.edu.